Saya Akan bertanggung jawab atas apa yang saya lakukan sekarang untuk MASA DEPAN Saya.

Posted on 9.20.2011

6 Color Skin Food is important for Brighter 

It's useless to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for a skin-lightening products if no treatment from the inside. With good nutrition, healthy skin and so it automatically looks brighter. Any foods that must be consumed so that the skin is no longer dark and dull? 

1.       Orange 
All types of citrus fruits, including grapefruit, is a source of vitamin C that has many benefits for the skin. Vitamin C increases the production of collagen and elastin in our bodies, which serves to reduce wrinkles and prevent aging skin. He is also believed to slow the production of melanin, the pigment that makes skin appear darker. Try to consume fresh orange once a day. In addition to citrus, tomatoes are also a fruit rich in vitamin C. 

2.       Fish 
These water creatures are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which are the main recipe for a bright brilliant skin. Additionally, consume sardines, tuna, or salmon are rich in protein can help protect skin from sun exposure and pollution. The protein contained in it helps the reproductive cells and make skin look radiant. 

3.       Red and green vegetables 
Spinach, carrots, broccoli, and his friends contain more beta-carotene functions as an antioxidant for the skin. In addition to preventing damage to cells, beta-carotene will be converted by the body into vitamin A which is useful to combat acne, produces new skin cells and make skin tones look brighter and younger. It would be better if we get vitamin A directly from food rather than vitamin supplements, since excess vitamin A can actually interfere with our health. 

4.       Wheat 
Can be obtained in the form of cereals and breads, wheat contains biotin which helps the body process fat cells. Biotin deficiency can cause dry skin and look dull. 

5.       Olive oil 
The healthiest food for the skin? Fruit salad and vegetables sprinkled with olive oil for seasoning. These oils contain essential fatty acids to make skin look bright, luminous, and healthy

6.       Avocado 
Avocados are a source of vitamin E. It is useful to retard aging and cleanse the skin of any blemishes such as acne scars, dark spots, and other problems. Eating avocados regularly will also prevent the skin to sag with age. 

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Posted on 9.13.2011

Know the culture of Indonesia's anything

Indonesia has many cultures, in addition to traditional culture there is also the regional culture, including the following bit of culture Indonesia

·         CUSTOM HOUSE
Sumatera Barat : Gadang House
Sumatera Selatan : Limas House
Jawa : Joglo 
Papua : Honai 
Sulawesi Selatan : Tongkonang (Tana Toraja), Bola Soba (Bugis Bone), Balla Lompoa (Makassar Gowa)
Sulawesi Tenggara: Istana buton 
Sulawesi Utara : Panggung House

Honai House

Gadang House
Joglo House

·         DANCE
Jawa: Bedaya, Kuda Lumping, Reog. 
Bali: Kecak, Barong/ Barongan. 
Maluku: Cakalele 
Aceh: Saman, Seudati. 
Melayu: Serampang Duabelas, Joget Lambak, Zapin, Tari Tanggai 
Minangkabau: Tari Piring, Tari Payung, Tari Indang, Tari Randai, Tari Lilin 
Betawi: Yapong 
Sunda: Jaipong, Reog, Tari Topeng 
Batak Toba: Tortor 
Kecak Dance
Sulawesi Selatan: Tari Pakkarena, Tarian Anging Mamiri, Tari Padduppa, Tari 4 Etnis 
Jaipong Dance

·         Traditional Song
Jakarta: Kicir-kicir, Jali-jali, Lenggang Kangkung. 
Maluku : Rasa Sayang-sayange, Ayo Mama 
Melayu : Soleram, Tanjung Katung 
Minangkabau : Kampuang nan Jauh di Mato, Kambanglah Bungo, Indang Sungai Garinggiang 
Aceh : Bungong Jeumpa 
Ampar-Ampar Pisang (Kalimantan Selatan) 
Anak Kambing Saya (Nusa Tenggara Timur) 
Angin Mamiri (Sulawesi Selatan) 
Anju Ahu (Sumatera Utara) 
Apuse (Papua) 
Ayam Den Lapeh (Sumatera Barat) 
Barek Solok (Sumatera Barat) 
Batanghari (Jambi) 
Bolelebo (Nusa Tenggara Barat) 
Bubuy Bulan (Jawa Barat) 
Buka Pintu (Maluku) 
Bungong Jeumpa (Aceh) 
Burung Tantina (Maluku) 
Butet (Sumatera Utara) 
Cik-Cik Periuk (Kalimantan Barat) 
Cikala Le Pongpong (Sumatera Utara) 
Cing Cangkeling (Jawa Barat) 
Cuk Mak Ilang (Sumatera Selatan) 
Dago Inang Sarge (Sumatera Utara) 
Dayung Palinggam (Sumatera Barat) 
Dayung Sampan (Banten) 
Dek Sangke (Sumatera Selatan) 
Desaku (Nusa Tenggara Timur) 
Esa Mokan (Sulawesi Utara) 
Es Lilin (Jawa Barat) 
Gambang Suling (Jawa Tengah) 
Gek Kepriye (Jawa Tengah) 
Goro-Gorone (Maluku) 
Gending Sriwijaya (Sumatera Selatan) 
Gundul Pacul (Jawa Tengah) 
Helele U Ala De Teang (Nusa Tenggara Barat) 
Huhatee (Maluku) 
Ilir-Ilir (Jawa Tengah) 
Indung-Indung (Kalimantan Timur) 
Injit-Injit Semut (Jambi) 
Jali-Jali (Jakarta) 
Jamuran (Jawa Tengah) 
Kabile-Bile (Sumatera Selatan) 
Kalayar (Kalimantan Tengah) 
Kambanglah Bungo (Sumatera Barat) 
Kampuang Nan Jauh Di Mato (Sumatera Barat) 
Ka Parak Tingga (Sumatera Barat) 
Karatagan Pahlawan (Jawa Barat) 
Keraban Sape (Jawa Timur) 
Keroncong Kemayoran (Jakarta) 
Kicir-Kicir (Jakarta) 
Kole-Kole (Maluku) 
Lalan Belek (Bengkulu) 
Lembah Alas (Aceh) 
Lisoi (Sumatera Utara) 
Madekdek Magambiri (Sumatera Utara) 
Malam Baiko (Sumatera Barat) 
Mande-Mande (Maluku) 
Manuk Dadali (Jawa Barat) 
Ma Rencong (Sulawesi Selatan) 
Mejangeran (Bali) 
Mariam Tomong (Sumatera Utara) 
Moree (Nusa Tenggara Barat) 
Nasonang Dohita Nadua (Sumatera Utara) 
O Ina Ni Keke (Sulawesi Utara) 
Ole Sioh (Maluku) 
Orlen-Orlen (Nusa Tenggara Barat) 
O Ulate (Maluku) 
Pai Mura Rame (Nusa Tenggara Barat) 
Pakarena (Sulawesi Selatan) 
Panon Hideung (Jawa Barat) 
Paris Barantai (Kalimantan Selatan) 
Peia Tawa-Tawa (Sulawesi Tenggara) 
Peuyeum Bandung (Jawa Barat) 
Pileuleuyan (Jawa Barat) 
Pinang Muda (Jambi) 
Piso Surit (Aceh) 
Pitik Tukung (Yogyakarta) 
Potong Bebek Angsa (Nusa Tenggara Timur) 
Rambadia (Sumatera Utara) 
Rang Talu (Sumatera Barat) 
Rasa Sayang-Sayange (Maluku) 
Ratu Anom (Bali) 
Saputangan Bapuncu Ampat (Kalimantan Selatan) 
Sarinande (Maluku) 
Selendang Mayang (Jambi) 
Sengko-Sengko (Sumatera Utara) 
Sinanggar Tulo (Sumatera Utara) 
Sing Sing So (Sumatera Utara) 
Sinom (Yogyakarta) 
Si Patokaan (Sulawesi Utara) 
Sitara Tillo (Sulawesi Utara) 
Soleram (Riau) 
Surilang (Jakarta) 
Suwe Ora Jamu (Yogyakarta) 
Tanduk Majeng (Jawa Timur) 
Tanase (Maluku) 
Tari Tanggai (Sumatera Selatan) 
Tebe Onana (Nusa Tenggara Barat) 
Te Kate Dipanah (Yogyakarta) 
Tokecang (Jawa Barat) 
Tondok Kadadingku (Sulawesi Tengah) 
Tope Gugu (Sulawesi Tengah) 
Tumpi Wayu (Kalimantan Tengah) 
Tutu Koda (Nusa Tenggara Barat) 
Terang Bulan (Jakarta) 
Yamko Rambe Yamko (Papua) 
Bapak Pucung (Jawa Tengah) 
Yen Ing Tawang Ono Lintang (Jawa Tengah) 
Stasiun Balapan, Didi Kempot (Jawa Tengah) 
Anging Mamiri, Sulawesi Parasanganta (Sulawesi Selatan) 
bulu londong, malluya, io-io, ma'pararuk (Sulawesi Barat) 

Jakarta: Keroncong Tugu. 
Melayu : Hadrah, Makyong, Ronggeng 
Makassar : Gandrang Bulo, Sinrilik 

Jawa: Gamelan. 
Nusa Tenggara Timur: Sasando. 
Gendang Bali 
Gendang Karo 
Gendang Melayu 
Gandang Tabuik 
Suling Lembang 
Suling Sunda 
Kendang Jawa 
Gong Kemada 
Gong Lambus 
Gondang Batak 
Kecapi, kesok-Kesok Bugis-makassar, dan sebagainya 


·         PICTURE
Jawa: Wayang. 
Tortor: Batak 


·         SCULPTURE
Jawa: Patung Buto, patung Budha. 
Bali: Garuda. 
Irian Jaya: Asmat. 

·         SHIRT
Jawa: Batik

So please choose which you prefer culture ....? and do not forget to visit to Indonesia, you will feel happy and smart cultured
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Posted on 9.10.2011

Preventing Diabetes

If in your daily life eating healthy foods or exercise regularly, it will reduce the risk of diabetes. For those who have not, of course you need to make changes to one, two or three, in the pattern of your life than ever before. 

"The question we want to try increasing the improvement of our individual lifestyle or not," 

Analysis of data on more than 200,000 men and women in eight countries that are part of the long-term studies on diet and health led by the National Cancer Institute. 

In the mid-1990s, study participants answered detailed questionnaires about their diet, lifestyle, medical history, physical characteristics, and demographic profiles. Ten years later, around 9% of men and women have diabetes. 

The rest, 81% are not affected by diabetes have the following characteristics 

1.       No Smoking 
They are non-smokers, or they had stopped smoking for at least 10 years. 

2.       Physically active. 
They have at least 20 minutes of exercise three times a week. 

3.       Normal weight. 
They are not overweight or obese, and maintain a body mass index under 25 (the equivalent threshold for? 155 for women 5-feet, 6 inches). 

4.       Drinking Alcohol. 
For men drank alcohol one to two glasses per day and women just one glass per day. 

5.       Healthy diet. 
They consume a diet with more fiber, less fat, less sugar or refined carbohydrates. 

Want to stay away from diabetes, do not hurt you to try this way

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